News that matters
TradeTech has huge potential to boost trade - here's what policy-makers should know
Find out more on Tradetech’s potential in this article co-authored by Anchor and highlighted on WEF portal.
Upcoming Event: Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future (10-11 May)
This year’s MIT TechArabia event will focus on the sustainability’s present and the future and we are delighted to share our expertise on the transformation of supply chains.
Virtual Watch Towers for Supply Chain Visibility
Although the concept of virtual watch towers is not new, its evolution saw substantial acceleration as digital technologies like cloud, blockchain etc. have become more advanced and widely deployed.
Digital Frontrunners: Injecting smartness in supply chain networks
« Today, the “smart” supply chain has become a necessity. Companies that can build, operate, and leverage such supply chains will define the future of logistics. »
Logistics 2021 and Beyond: A Quantum Digital Leap or Incremental Adoption?
Recently, when our lives came to a grinding halt, it was logistics and supply chains that kept our world together. The strain on transportation and logistics was unprecedented, and thus the lessons out of the crisis will have far-reaching ripples.
In the crosshairs: Real-time logistics visibility
The past years have brought with them immense challenges for carriers, logistics operators and supply chain managers.Against this backdrop, attention has focused on the urgent need for visibility.
New book release: Maritime informatics – Additional Perspectives & Applications
In a world where maritime transport accounts for more than 90% of the international trade, the question is not “if” the digital transformation will happen but “when” it will happen.
Upcoming Event: Supply Chain Innovation Summit (20-21 May 2021)
The 4th edition of the Supply Chain Innovation will be held online on 20-21 May, 2021 where the industry leaders will share their insights on the evolution of the supply chain and logistics sector. Amongst the speakers, our Operating Partner Mr. Wolfgang Lehmacher will elaborate on how the Blockchain is expected to revolutionise the tracking capabilities and contribute to the new generation supply chain management practices.
Resolving the Suez backlog: predicting ship transits in capacity-constrained areas
The Suez Canal blockage provides an opportunity to explore ways to improve coordination and reduce congestion at shared infrastructure like canals and ports.