New book release: Maritime informatics – Additional Perspectives & Applications

In a world where maritime transport accounts for more than 90% of the international trade, the question is not “if” digital transformation of this industry will happen but “when” it will happen.

Given the high levels of competition in the industry, its players are being pushed to embrace digitization to improve efficiency, increase predictability and deliver real-time visibility.

Co-authored by Wolfgang Lehmacher, Operating Partner at Anchor Group, the newly published book “Maritime informatics – Additional Perspectives & Applications” is a valuable contribution to accelerate the process of digitalization in maritime logistics & supply chains. It examines the latest thinking in support of global emergencies, recycling resources and the circular economy, ports acting as multidimensional hubs, the standardisation of data, and the emergence of data sharing platforms in the global container trade.

The second in a series, this book is intended as an authoritative reference on maritime informatics both for academia and maritime practitioners.

Further information and ordering details available here.


Building Bridges: Anchor successfully orchestrates Roambee’s acquisition of Modum


Upcoming Event: Supply Chain Innovation Summit (20-21 May 2021)